RCC Construction Program Outline and Services

RCC Construction Program Outline and Services

The Roseland Community Collaborative, NFP (RCC) plans to combat the recidivism in Roseland by creating opportunities and engaging this targeted population in a continuum of services. We will address the array of barriers to successful reintegration for African American males and females.
The RCC is committed to empowering the formerly incarcerated, adjudicated youth and dislocated workers – our process begins with an intake assessment, which drives our service plan. The client is then referred to appropriate RCC affiliates - 30 non profits and for profit outlets – to secure the needed services
identified in initial assessment.

The RCC mission parallels the Second Chance Act, which will provide the necessary funding resources to offer transitional housing which historically is a major barrier to the client while trying to re-establish themselves. The RCC has a transitional Job training relationship with C.A.P.S, Zion Of Light and Everblue
organizations with strong track records in securing temporary employment for exoffenders. If the client shows seriousness about the career, with RCC assistance in them becoming a permanent assignment, is more than likely. The RCC is uniquely aware of the lack of employment for dislocated workers & youth in Roseland and are creating job opportunities though our Job Coach program. We have created relationships with businesses in Roseland and abroad, and currently have 19 youth employed by viable business and 10 adults. We are also in the process of creating a pilot Real Estate rehab program at 11935 S. Michigan that will train the above mentioned individuals in the Greater Roseland community in Carpentry, OSHA, LEAD, Health & Safety, Energy auditors and other Green related workforce skills.

The RCC plans to implement a system to reduce crime, curve recidivism and reduce violations of conditioned supervised release. We plan to increase GREEN job readiness, adequate housing, and family reunification. Other services include the following:
✓ Interviews of targeted population by trained intake workers
✓ Interviews with Employers that work with RCC

RCC has partnered with Teach Them How, Harold Services, RJW INC, Renewable Energy Concepts, HOOD Construction, Mac-Cel Construction, National Black Wall Street, Lilydale Community Group, Prisoner relief
Foundation, Youth Vision’s With Wings and Kids Off The Block implementing an after school program for students 17 years and younger which would include:
✓ Tutors
✓ Youth mentoring activities
✓ Computer lab

In closing, we are in the process of applying for Energy and Construction grants with Department Of DECO, HUD and CHA. We have currently Trained over 210 men and women since 2009 and employed them to weatherized and renovate over 1000 units and 154 Buildings in Illinois and broad using various agencies and private funds through our collaborative.